ICT for School workshop at CDAC, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai on November 20, 2015

A half day Workshop on “ICT for Schools” will be conducted on Friday 20th November, 2015 [2:00 PM-5:30 PM] at Kharghar campus of C-DAC Mumbai. The workshop will be covering presentation-cum-demo on:
  1. Online Labs
  2. eBasta - School Books to eBooks and
  3. Assessment and Monitoring Framework.
CBSE/STATE board teachers from Classes VIII, IX, X ; Subjects - Science, Maths, English are invited to participate in this workshop. This workshop will be conducted by Educational Technology Unit of C-DAC Mumbai. 

Please comment or write to etu[AT]cdac[DOT]in, if you are interested, or want more information.


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