Meaning of 15th August in today's scenario
15th August comes every year. From last 63 years, we celebrate it as our Independence day in the form of various functions held at various levels. But, question should be asked whether this day still hold some significance in our hearts today. Do we still give the same respect to this day as was initially? Do we really understand what 15th August means to us? For me, it was just another day. More, it was a Sunday, a day to have lots of fursat and wake up late. So, I woke up late and started following my usual routine, then realized it is 15th August. It was already 11'O clock. Outside the flat, atmosphere was not much different. Prime minister's address to the nation had been over some 3 hours back. So, whatever he has said, was followed through the scrolls of news channels. There was a time, when prabhat pheris were passed through the streets shouting slogans of "Bharat Mata ki Jai" etc. There was so much enthusiasm in those childhood days to go to school, to deliver...