FOSS Seminar in CDAC, Mumbai on March 20, 2010

CDAC, Mumbai, at its Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Centre, has been conducting a monthly seminar series called (FOSS) From the Open Source Self for quite some time now on every third Saturday of the month. The purpose of this series in the form of lecture demos is to introduce people to the wide range of high quality software(s) available in open source. Response so far has been good enough. This month's seminar will be held on March 20. The topics of this seminar include:

1. NLTK - NLTK [Natural Language Processing Toolkit] is a complete Open Source suite of Python modules, linguistic data and documentation for research and development in Natural Language Processing. It provides utilities for many NLP tasks like chunking, stemming and parsing to name a few. It is a useful tool for students, professionals and researchers interested in Natural Language Processing and is widely used by NLP community all over the world.

2. GNU Build System - The GNU build system provides an environment to a computer programmer that helps them make their software/packages portable across platforms (at least for Unix-like operating systems). It also makes the build process easier for the user, allowing him/her to use just a small set of commands to build the software/package from its source code and install it.

Registration for this series is open till March 17, 2010. More details about the seminar series and registration process can be accessed at CDAC Mumbai's website or at

Contact address:

Course Administration, CDAC (formerly NCST),

Raintree Marg, Near Bharati Vidyapeeth Engg. College,

Opp. Kharghar Railway Station,

Sector 7, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614, India.

Telephone: +91-22-27565303 Telefax: +91-22-27560004

Website: Email:


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