From 2008 to 2009

So, the second last year of the first decade of 21st century has dawned and 2008 is over. At this moment, how I look at 2008 : A year which can be attributed as an extraordinary one at personal level, because, In the month of May, My sweet little daughter was born and that gave a new meaning to life. On the other hand, in social aspect, this was a year which saw so many incidents which were not so good. This was a year of calamities (natural or man-made). Terrorism has come to our neighborhood and now it is being treated just like a routine crime. Perhaps, next time, It may be in our houses too. God knows! This was also a worst year with respect to economy. Major financial players at world level are part of the history now or some may be in time to come. However, as said there is always light at the end of the tunnel, so was in the case of unpardonable Mumbai attacks. The unity shown by the entire nation once again shown that India is able to face and handle any type of crisis.

Hope, 2009 bring peace and harmony to everyone.


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