Call for Participation : NCOSS-09, May 25 - 26, 2009, Navi Mumbai, India

Call for Participation

NCOSS-09: National Conference on Open Source Software

May 25 - 26, 2009, Navi Mumbai, India.

Organized by

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Mumbai

Supported by

IEEE Computer Society, Mumbai and Chennai chapters &

CSI, Div II on Software & SIG-OS

Media partner

Linux for You

The National Conference on Open Source Software is intended to act as a forum for promoting adoption of open source softwares and solutions in different areas, by sharing experiences in solution selection, customisation/adaptation, etc. Over 110 papers were submitted to the conference from all over India. After a rigorous international refereeing process, about 30 papers have been selected, which will be presented during the conference.

Conference Programme :

  • Paper Presentation in areas including

    • e-Learning

    • Collaboration Technology

    • Language Computing and Localisation

    • Knowledge Management

    • e-Health

    • Machine Learning and Data Mining

    • Testing and Application Frameworks

  • Invited Talks

  • Panel Discussions

  • Live demos of FOSS applications

  • Pre-Conference Tutorials (on May 24, 2009)

Programme Committee :

Ramakrishnan S., C-DAC, Pune (chair)

Chakravarti A. K, DIT, Delhi

Zia Saquib, C-DAC, Mumbai

Sasikumar M, C-DAC, Mumbai

Sivakumar G, IIT, Mumbai

Venkatesh Hariharan, RedHat, Mumbai

Mohan H R, The Hindu, Chennai

Rishab Aiyer Gosh,UNU-MERIT, Netherlands

Krishnan C N, AU-KBC, Chennai

Gora Mohanty, Sarai, Delhi

Rajagopal M R, C-DAC, Chennai

Dravida Seetharam, IBM, Bangalore

Nagarjuna G, HBCSE, Mumbai

Demo Hall :

NCOSS-09, announces DEMO HALL for show-casing open source applications. The aim is to provide a platform for people to demonstrate their open source works/tools. Irrespective of whether you have a paper at the conference, you can use this opportunity to showcase your work.

All those participating in the demo hall must register for the conference. Mail your applications to giving a brief description of the demo sessions by May 05,2009.

For more details visit

Registration Fees:



Not for profit/ educational institutions

Rs. 2200/-

Rs. 700/-


Rs. 3500/-

Rs. 1000/-


Rs. 1100/-

Rs. 500/-

( Registration form and more details on website )

Contact :

(For more details and registration)
NCOSS-09 Secretariat,
C-DAC Mumbai, Raintree Marg, Near Bharati Vidyapeeth,

Opp. Kharghar Railway Station, Sector 7, CBD Belapur,

Navi Mumbai - 400 614, INDIA.

E-mail :
Phone : +91-22-27565303
Fax : +91-22-27560004


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