Railway week: Now Rajdhani is the victim

On Friday, it was the Thane local train accident that caused disruption in the routine life of Mumbai people, again on Monday, they once again suffered by the strike of Central Railway motormen. Now, on tuesday it was the turn of Bhuvneshwar-Delhi Rajdhani Express, when it was abducted either by naxalites or by some naxalites sponsored group near the Jhargram station in West Bengal. Really, this as a railway week :). No, No don't misunderstand :), it is actually :(. In all these incidents, the ultimate sufferer in the poor common man (R. K. Laxman listening?) and culprit who? - The establishment who has the responsibility of manging all those tasks that affect our lives in way or the other, either directly or indirectly, or our so called destiny. Why common people should suffer? Today's incident is serious. An elite train is hijacked by a group. They write slogans to release their leader onto the walls of the train. The visual of these activities are flashed across all channels and our establishment from Kolkata to Delhi is unable to give a satisfactory answer. Passengers in the train and their relatives back home are bound to suffer all this, just praying to God. So, who is responsible here? These naxalites for their anti-social and anti national behaviour or our governments for their inefficiency in tackling the problem. Naxalism is an age-old problem and is becoming more and more serious day-by-day in various states of the country. What is the solution of this problem? Only gun can not be answer. It is required to analyse the social aspects of it also. India is a heterogeneous society and still their are many regions that are untouched from the mainstream India. This kind of scenario most possibly give rise to some inhabited frustrations among some sections of the society forcing them to take law in their hands. Naxalism has to be defeated at any cost. A bloody ideology has no place in democracy and in a civilized society. But, use of force is only one aspect of the solution, we have to search of the root cause of the problem that is rooted in our own social surroundings.


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