How are we after one year?

Today is another 26/11. Change? Figure in the year column of date has changed. Now it is 09 instead of 08. Remember same date one year ago? Mumbai and India saw the deadliest terror attack with surprise and agony that lasted almost 60 hour. Hundreds dead and wounded! Jawans shahid for Matrabhoomi!
365 days have been passed since then just like sand particles through a tiny hole. From morning newspapers to all-day news bulletins, all are filled up with the stories related to 26/11. Has something really changed in a year? Doesn't seem so.
Some quotes:
"I would prefer Sandeep to be at home."
"When I went to Taj to see the spot where Sandeep died, the highest executive of Taj asked me, who Sandeep?"
-Father of Late Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan
"Why we? Why were we targeted? Who is responsible for this situation?"
- Wife of Late Inspector Vijay Salaskar
(As noted from Jindagi Live program on IBN7 dated 26/11/2009. Although actual words may be different.)
All are aware of the feelings of Smt. Karkare and how she thinks about the system. Families of these martyrs are frustated today.
Today MNS chief Mr. Raj Thakrey pays tribute to martyrs of 26/11. But, he forgets about Major Sandeep and Havaldar Gajendra Singh. Can martyrdom be divided among states, laguages and castes? Many are waiting for their compensations promised. Many are still carrying the bullets of those deadly nights waiting for their turn to be operated. This list is endless.........................
So can we, common men, do? Are we ready to change our characters? Probably not. After one year, we have settled in our routine lives. Yeh hai Hindustan meri jaan!
Someone has said:
जिसे न निज देश, निज गौरव का अभिमान है, वह नर नहीं, पशु निरा और मृतक समान है


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