Is everything OK with Indian Army?

Few days back, I was hearing a news on NDTV India. It was about the mysterious death of an army officer named "Cap. Sumit Kohli". As per the bulletin, he received "Shourya Chakra" in March, 2006 for his bravery in killing 4 militants in J & K. And, in April, 2006, he was found dead in his barrack. Since then, it is not known precisely what were the actual reasons behind his death. Army's statements in the matter have been contradictory in all these 4 years. One time, they said that he had committed suicide and on another time, they cited some other reason. In all these times, his family has been on suffering end. Unable to bear the shock, his father died of heart attack within one month of his death. And, remaining members of the family, his sister and mother, are trying to unearth the actual reasons of the tragedy from the insensitive bureaucratic establishment. Point here is why a person who received a medal for his bravery a month ago would commit suicide. Definitely, army has not been able to convince the family members. Through some leads, it is being said that Cap. Kohli was aware of some wrong-doings of his senior officers and is a victim of some conspiracy. And, now after 4 years of continuous if-and-buts, defense minister has assured to look into the matter to take it to the final conclusion.

We, Indians, have a very high regard for a institution like army. But, in recent times, there have been many incidents in which the image of army has been dented. Sometime back, L. Gen. Avdhesh Prakash was dismissed due to involvement in Sukhna land scam. Col. Purohit has been arrested in Malegaon blast case. This was first time when an army officer was found involved in a terrorist activity. There have been some other incidents also like fake encounters in J & K (J & K is boiling now-a-days), charges related to conduct, behaviour of officers etc.. It seems that virus of corruption has spread in army too and this is very dangerous for the army as well as for country's security also. General public does not know whats' going in government and army circles. But whatever we see and hear in news worries. Does government and army has the will tohandle the menace of corruption. They have to respect the martyrdom of their soldiers.


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