Emergency @ midnight in Ram Lila Maidan

Yesterday, exactly 60 days were completed, when Anna started his fast against corruption and shook the govt. and won the hearts of entire country. Since then, it has been a hot topic of discussion in public domain. And, everybody wants to be that part of this debate and be the limelight in media. So, Baba Ramdev also decided to be the part of this wagon. Why to miss such sensitive issue. He announced his satyagrah on a very carefully chosen date. But there are some differences between the two. Anna's fast mainly appealed to the Indian middle class, while Baba's anshan mainly involed rural population for whom Baba is everything. But the major and most important difference is: While Anna team was not involved in any kind of secret and closed door discussions with the govt., Baba was holding such discussions with govt. and exchaning written assurances. When this came into open created a layer of confusion and doubt in general public about the commitment of Baba to the fight against corruption. It can be said that Baba Ramdev may have been trying to serve his own agenda through this Satyagrah and may have certain political aspirations. It can also be said that govt. and Baba both were using each other. But the actions and behaviour on the part of govt. are certainly questionable. Why and from whom it is afraid? Why did four senior ministers of the govt. go to receive Baba at airport. Why govt. does not want that issue of corruption is discussed in public domain? Does govt. fear of a public revolt? It seems that govt. just wants to avoid this issue and is passing time. It is creating unnecessary hurdles in joint draft committee of lokpal bill. But emergency @ midnight behaviour of the govt. is totally unacceptable & shameful. It is an attack on the fundamental rights of the people. It shows that govt. is afraid from issue of corruption being discussed in public. It is like when a thief is pushed to the wall and is about to be caught, he attacks. They know they are neck deep in corruption and are unable to digest the activism of public. It is becoming uneasy for them day by day to answer. Last night assault in the Ram Lila Ground has again proved that the party responsible for imposing emergency on the nation becomes nervous and irritated when someone, even a commn man raise a voice and challenges it. Why Dr. Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi are silent on this issue. Had they given their nod for this brutal attack on innocent people. They are answerable and they will have to answer. If not now, then after three years.


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