How will I remember 2011?

2011 has set in past now. It was not  like all other previous years by any means.  I often uttered throughout the year, "यह क्रांति का साल है|". Of-course, it was been a year of "Kranti" (Revolutions) throughout the world starting from Egypt, Tunisia, Libya etc. to far away in west . People demonstrated their dissatisfaction with their respective establishments by every possible means. Our country was also no exception. In the face of "Anna", we found a symbol to fight against corruption. His initiative mobilized general public across the nation and shaken the government  and political class. It is due to this initiative that public now desperately wants to have her say in governance matters. She is no longer ready to be the victim of corruption.

This year has also witnessed events that will leave permanent marks in history.  One side, demon figures like Osama, Gadaffi met with their fate. On the other side, Steve Jobs, Jagjit Singh, Bhupen Hazarika, Dev Anand etc. left  us. Wish they might have enriched human civilization for some more years.

But, why will I remember it for the rest of my life? All these kind of events affect you a bit, but important are incidents or experiences that you undergo on personal front. So, I will remember 2011 due to those events (good or bad) that have affected me personally. There are lessons that I have learnt this year:
1. One should be extremely patient, when he faces his worst. Life always have surprises for you. Much less happened the way you want. So, whatever be the circumstances you are in, Its better you face them, handle them and come out.
2. Do not jump to a conclusion immediately. Wait, analyze, understand and then, act. Because, again Life will give a surprise to you. It may happen that nothing around you is in good shape, but keep faith in life. Good will come one day.
3. Everything you have today will leave you one day. Every story has its end. 
4. Life and loved ones in your life are precious. Preserve!

Therefore, every moment in life teaches us a new thing. I have also learnt something. Hope, 2012 is peaceful and healthy for everyone. 


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