One-day workshop on Parikshak — an online program grading system organised by CDAC, Mumbai

Computer Programming is an important aspect of any computer-science/information-technology course. This is among the most difficult to teach, since being a good programmer is a skill to be acquired coupled with knowledge of many different aspects such as abstraction, analysis, structured programming, debugging, etc. Usually computer programming is taught through a combination of theory classes on concepts and languages, and lab classes on specific languages. Assignments are given, which are manually graded by the instructor. Manual grading of programs is very tedious and time consuming. While evaluating student assignments the teacher has to act as a compiler/interpreter and inspect each line in program and judge whether the overall program would work correctly. While this grading approach works fine for a small number of simple assignments, it gets unwieldy as the complexity and number of the assignment increases. This, in turn, results in inadequate attention to the practical programming skills of students.
Parikshak is a web based system which offers a solution to this. A tool like Parikshak, which facilitates automated evaluation of software programs can significantly reduce the load of the faculty, give direct feedback to student, thereby leading to efficient handling of programming assignments/exams. Parikshak allows teachers to define programming assignments systematically, allows registered students to attempt solving them online, and automatically assesses the solution. The feedback is available to the students and the faculty, for follow up and record. Using Parikshak to manage your programming component, clearly offers many advantages.
During the workshop, we will demonstrate the system, discussing various ways in which tool can be used in the academic setting, and provide hands-on for faculty. Since we have limited number of seats, we request you to confirm participation from your colleges latest by June 12, 2013, by email or phone call. Teachers from the CS/IT departments are preferred, though others with some programming experience/interest are welcome.
Contact Information
Details of workshop
Phone: 022-27565303, Extn 301
Contact Person: Ms. Mercy Sobhan
Date & Timing: Sat, 15 June, 2013
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Venue: CDAC Kharghar
Registration Fees: Rs 600/-
Tea and Lunch will be provided to all participants
Registration fee has to be paid by Demand Draft / Cheque (local or at par) drawn in favour of CDAC payable at Mumbai. Please mention your name, organisation and contact no. on the back side of the Demand Draft / Cheque.


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