Release of new version of GNU/Linux distribution for Cognitively Challenged by CDAC, Mumbai

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) has released the new version (version 0.1.2) of GNU/Linux distribution for CognitivelyChallenged. Cognitively challenged people face different kinds of problems such as memory loss, forgetfulness, attention problems etc. Therefore, the major objective of this distribution is to provide an accessible desktop environment suitable to such users. The major highlights of this distribution are simplified and accessible desktop environment, simplified applications, tagged file system, tag-based searching, user’s activity log, reminder facility etc. that are specifically aimed to reduce distraction and memory load during computer interaction. These salient features of the distribution can be of immense help to such users and their caretakers, while using computer. This distribution is based on Ubuntu 10.04 and offers a number of improvements/enhancements over previously released version (version 0.1.1). These improvements/enhancements have been incorporated based on feedbacks and suggestions received from various organisations and users.
Major highlights in the current release:
  • Faster tag based searching
  • Facility to add new user-defined image tags
  • Enhanced tag control center to edit/delete existing tags(textual and image both).
  • Enhanced tag control center to add new file extensions for which tag setting option should be enabled.
  • New educational games included (The Number Race and Tux Type)
GNU/Linux distribution for Cognitively Challenged-0.1.2 can be downloaded from here.
More details about the distribution can be accessed at
Details of various enhancements made in the current version can be found at
Feedback and suggestions about the distribution can be sent at ossd[at]cdac[dot]in.


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