Only vote bank matters

This is election year. For 2014, stakes are at their highest point. Every politician and political party will do anything, will go to any extent to be able to raise the toast of power. Both sides, in-power and in-opposition, are leaving no-stone-unturned in their quest to outsmart each other and turn the tide in their favor. It is often said, we are a mature democracy now and elections are issue-based exercise now. So will be the case with next election. One may think, gone are the days of polarization, casteism, communalism etc. and next election will be fought on the basis of bad governance of current government, inflation, corruption, national security, worst situation of economy etc. But, it is wrong. Corruption was never going to be the core issue for Congress and BJP both. It runs in their veins and put them in uncomfortable position, when questions are asked. Same is with other issues also. So, what to do? Best thing for any politician or political party is to distract and distort public opinion from core issues and try to raise non-substantial issues. Look, how smartly they are converting the entire debate in communal vs secular. On every front and forum, congressmen are playing their secular card to stop frightening Narendra Modi at any cost. BJP is also using him as a mascot who will put them in corridors of power. They are also using their dumped Ram mandir card. Look, what is happening is U.P.? V.H.P. is playing its cards there. They are trying to use Kishtwar violence for their own advantage. On the other side, Congress hopes to win votes by extravagant expense of tax payers' hard-earned money in the name of food security and other freebees. Other political parties are also not far behind. They are also dying to wash their dirty linen in these waters. Soon they will create a perception that both majority and minority are not safe in this country and they are the only messiah for them, so they should vote to them.

In their minds, they think they can use the public for their advantage. So, stakes are high for public also this time. If we think, as a democracy, we are mature enough now, then we will have to show it also through our vote. Time of change has come, but change should be for best, not for worst. We will have to use our vote wise. Sant Kabir Das has also said:

साधु ऐसा चाहिए, जैसा सूप सुभाय।
सार सार को गाही रहे, थोथा देहि उडाय॥     


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