Why should Aam Adami Party be applauded?

On 8th of this month, a new star was born on the political landscape of this country - Aam Adami Party. It not only surprised the mainstream and old players of Indian politics as well as of Delhi, but also entire country, from its performance in Delhi assembly elections. Although, I have not been a die-hard fan of this party all the way through the entire election and been of the view - let them show where they stand, then will take a view because they parted with ANNA, took a different course that many didn't appreciate or support, a sting operation during the election campaign also created some confusion (now after the election, it can be termed as fake and a malign attempt after the results), but we can say that they have shown the way that common man aka mango man can also make a difference - जहाँ चाह, वहाँ राह। Just a bunch of few determined people, Just a collection of volunteers, no age-old history to boast-off, no claim of large cader of karyakartas - still such a splendid show, such a huge mobilization of votes (read people). Victory margin of Arvind Kejriwal's victory over Sheela Dixit (over 25,000 votes) show the extent of people's anger with Congress, current political scenario, failure of BJP to emerge as an alternative and to propose some thing new, something innovative before the public for tackling various issues. So THREE CHEERS to AAP its performance. In Kavi Dushyant's words - "कौन कहता है कि आसमां में सुराख़ हो नहीं सकता, एक पत्थर तो तबियत से उछालो यारों।"


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