How a rainbow works - Elocution speech by Harshi

  • A rainbow is a multi-coloured arc that appears in the sky as a result of bending and scattering of sunlight through drops of rain.
  • It occurs when it is raining in one part of the sky and sunny in another.
  • A rainbow cannot be approached or physically touched.
  • On ground, we only see a semi-circle or arc of rainbow, though it’s a full circle of light. 
  • However, from height such as on an airplane, it can be seen in a complete circle.
  • Due to its bow like shape and being formed mainly in rains, it is called as rainbow.
  • Sir Isaac Newton explained how a rainbow forms. He identified 7 colours that make up white light of Sun. These 7 colours are Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red (VIBGYOR).
  • All these colours are present in a rainbow in the order red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo and violet.
  • Normally when sunlight travels through the air we see white light. But when it enters through a raindrop, colours separate to make a rainbow at 42 degrees from the direction opposite to the sun. Each raindrop makes its own rainbow but it takes millions of raindrops for us to see a rainbow.
  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system where rainbows are possible.
  • No two people see the same rainbow due to change in set of raindrops being seen.


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