9 days of Demonetisation

Its over 9 days now:-
1. Most of the nearby ATMs are still dry.
2. Queues, although short from earlier days, are present.
3. Over 33 or so people have been lost. They could have still been there.
4. Number of rumours have been floated creating confusion and chaos among people. Social media is front runner in this act.
5. Bank staff is too occupied with the work, at times harassed also.
6. By every passing day, govt. announces new course correction which again falls to be inadequate.
7. Gramin bank in my hometown offers Rs. 10/- coins on withdrawl. It is still waiting for new currency.
8. Money hoarder employ people in line to convert their money, thus exploiting the system. We have to ink our own people.
9. Rs. is in free fall. Market loosing... Retailers without exchange...
10. Through media, its is very hard to know how biased it is in reporting.
11. Opposition, as usual, is involved in playing trumphet.
12. Govt. is juggling.
What was the actual planning? What was govt. thinking or assuming?
RBI, as the executive agency of entire exercise, needs to clear the air.


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