Text Analytics – Getting insights from text

Technology revolution is changing every aspect of the human life. Media and Marketing are no different. Among all the technologies that are contributing to the advancement, Data Science is at the forefront. As Text Data is being continuously generated and consumed in various formats and sizes from a number of varied sources, it is becoming an important asset to organizations. But this asset can be leveraged upon, only if stored, processed and analysed efficiently with the help of intelligent algorithms. There is a growing interest to utilize such data for the improvement of business, health, education, society, etc. There are many ways to process and analyse such data, covering broad techniques such as text visualisation, classification, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, etc. Effective applications of these techniques can give organisations valuable insights leading to competitive advantage, efficient service delivery and above all higher customer satisfaction.
With this in the view, CDAC Mumbai is conducting a series of short-term courses in Data Science and Machine Learning. This is second series of such courses and latest in this series is  “Text Analytics” going to be conducted during May 18-20, 2017. Registrations for the course are open. More details can be accessed at http://www.kbcs.in/datascience.


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