Century's longest solar eclipse

Tommrow morning (of 22.07.2009) will witness the longest solar eclipse of this century. In India, this will start around 5:30 a.m. and will reach to totality around 6:30 a.m.. The total solar eclipse ( 3 min. 30 sec.) will be seen in a belt starting from western part of India to the distant north-east . This includes Surat, Vadodara, Indore, Bhopal, Varanasi, Patna, Darjeeling and Dibrugarh. In rest of India, it will be partially visible. Right now, I am in Mumbai (where % will be 96.6) and its raining here. So, in the early hours whether I will be able to see it, only clouds will tell. I am keeping my fingers crossed. However for online coverage, check on http://mashable.com/2009/07/21/solar-eclipse-online/

This eclipse will be the longest seen in India since Aug. 18, 1858 and the next big one will be on June 3, 2114. In this way, it is a once-in-the-life opportunity. Still today, there are many superstitions are associated with this normal celestial event, about which I have written in my previous post. Its a pity, I can say.

Stats in this post: Times of India dated 21.07.2009


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